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RANIDASE Inj (Hyaluronidase 1500 I.U)
Component: Hyaluronidase(EP) 1,500 I.U / 1vial
Identification: An injection containing white or pale yellow lyophilisate in a transparent vial
Efficacy / Effect: Increase penetration for subcutaneous or intramuscular injections, local anesthetic, and subcutaneous injections Promote reabsorption of excessive body fluids and blood in tissues
Storage / Shelf life: Hermetic container. stored at room temperature below 25 degrees / 36 months from the date of manufacture
Packing unit: 10vial/case
Hyaluronidase is made in Korea, KFDA approval. It is used to dissolve hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers that have been placed incorrectly, excessively, or unevenly. Hyaluronidase is also used in emergency situations where dermal filler has been inadvertently injected into an artery causing occlusion of the blood supply.
Hyaluronidase Ranidase Highly Purified Solutional Injection
Ranidase is highly purified hyaluronidase injection
Hyaluronidase is made in Korea, KFDA approval. It is used to dissolve hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers that have been placed incorrectly, excessively, or unevenly. Hyaluronidase is also used in emergency situations where dermal filler has been inadvertently injected into an artery causing occlusion of the blood supply.
Highly purified and safe hyaluronidase
Hyaluronidase is made in Korea. It is used to dissolve hyaluronic acid based dermal fillers that have been placed incorrectly, excessively, or unevenly. Hyaluronidase is also used in emergency situations where dermal filler has been inadvertently injected into an artery causing occlusion of the blood supply. It is injected into the vicinity of the dermal filler that needs to be dissolved.
Uses of Hyaluronidase Injection: To remove filler, hyaluronidase can be injected to dissolve the hyaluronic acid in dermal fillers. To increase the effect of lipodissoving injection, hyaluronidase can be added to the cocktails of fat melting injection.
Hyaluronidase is often combined with local anaesthetic to increase the diffusion of local anaesthetic.
The Solutional hyaluronidase can be used directly to lesion site. All the others are freeze-dried powder, so has to be reconstituted before use.
Caution: There have been a few reports that some people may have an allergy to hyaluronidase, which happens to those who are allergic to bee stings.
Adults, children, and elderly 1. In the case of subcutaneous injections (Hypodermoclysis) : The hyaluronidase can be injected into the affected area after dissolving about 1,500 I.U. of the agent into 1 mL of saline before starting a subcutaneous injection or, at the beginning of the injection, administer into the tube about 2 cm above the injection needle. About 1,500 I.U. of this drug is adequate when administering 500-1,000 mL of saline. For children and the elderly, please be careful in regulating the rate and total dosage, especially pay attention to overhydration if the subject has a renal impairment. 2. For subcutaneous or intramuscular injection : Dissolve 1,500 I.U. of this drug directly into the saline solution to be administered and use it. 3. Local anesthetic : Dissolve 1,500 I.U. of this drug into the local anesthetic injection to be administered and use it. When used in ophthalmology, a concentration of 15 I.U. per mL is recommended. 4. Extravasation : If diffusion is faster than in the case of focal, dissolve 1,500 I.U. of this drug into 1 mL of normal saline and soak the lesion after extravasation has displayed. 5. Hematoma : Dissolve 1,500 I.U. of this drug in 1 mL of injection solution or saline solution and soak the affected area. Dissolve this drug with about 1 mL of injection solution together with injections immediately before use. The subcutaneous injection should be isotonic with extracellular fluid in the body. This drug can be combined with commonly used fluids. Normal saline and Hypodermoclysis. Examples of use with 0.18% sodium chloride, 4% glucose, 0.45% sodium chloride, 2.5% glucose, and 5% glucose injection have been reported. 34 mmol/L Potassium is added to isotonic glucose or normal saline injection. Infusion solutions containing electrolytes are more suitable, and it should not be injected too quickly. This drug can be mixed with morphine, diamorphine, chlorpromazine, metoclopramide, chlorpromazine, metoclopramide, promazine, dexamethasone local anesthetic, and epinephrine.