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Lipo Lab PPC
Ingredient: Phosphatidylcholine 1000mg
Storage / Shelf life: 2〜25°C (Do not freeze), Light-resistant storage 24 months from the date of manufacture.
Packing unit: 1kit of 10ml x 10 vial (ampoule)
LIPO LAB is a product for melting subcutaneous fat. LIPO LAB is safe and effective. The treatment of subcutaneous fat with LIPO LAB PPC is done at a 10-day interval.
Lipo Lab has been developed in order to care the body more easily and quickly by selecting raw materials made in Germany which is known for safety, effectiveness and the best purity of 99.8%.
What is PPC Solution?
PPC(PhosphatidylCholine) spotlighted as the latest solution to obesity, is being called ‘the 2ndbotox’.
No single case of side-effects has been reported in the clinical trial over 10,581 patients implemented in the UK and has been made even more renowned
since celebrities like Britney Spears and Mariah Carey look like this PPC treatment and it ended up with a success.
It has now become very popular in over 60 countries.

The Main Use Site
1. Fat Back : Brassiere line which gets a style of dressing disheveled
2. Fat Abdominal region, ribs(love handle) : abdominal region and weighty ribs on both sides, love handle on the rear side
3. Fat Hip : Line under a hip which is connected to thighs
4. Fat Thighs : External or internal lines which jiggle due to excessive fatty layers
※ Do not use in site with low fat or muscles.
Lipo Lab has been developed in order to care for the body more easily and quickly by selecting raw materials made in Germany, which is known for safety, effectiveness, and the best purity of 99.8%, and by setting it to be used in hospitals and clinics to carry out more efficient and swift body-care programs. Furthermore, Lipo Lab has been designed and developed to stand a gamma-sterilized aseptic process under the pressure of 1000 bars or higher, which eradicates the problem of storing it in the refrigerator and the risk of probable infection. Still, it makes it possible to keep it under normal temperatures.

Strengths of Lipo Lab
There is no need for anesthesia as it barely generates pain
Results can be seen after the second treatment.
More efficacious and more accessible treatment than liposuction surgery
It gives natural-looking and long-lasting results.
Lipo Lab PPC dissolves, destroys fat cells, and exhausts them out of the body.
Cheaper costs than existing liposuction surgery
There is no downtime or need for a long recovery
Effective for removing cellulite and enhances skin elasticity
Such a simple treatment that barely bothers everyday life
It uses a special sterile technology which gives it odorless and non-pigmental characteristics
Solves the obesity of specific parts where exercises cannot do
Gamma-irradiated Lipo Lab Solution secures safe treatment
Its raw material of 99.8% purity from Germany maximizes the efficacy of lipolysis.
Scope of Lipo Lab:
Double chin
Armpit and forearms
Back (Brassiere line)
Abdominal region (ribs and love handle)