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Specification: 100 units
Ingredient: Clostridium botulinum toxin type A
Efficacy / Effect: Temporary improvement of moderate to severe glabellar wrinkles associated with corrugator muscle and/or procerus muscle activity in adults between 19 and 65 years of age
Storage /Shelf life: Hermetic container, refrigerated(2~8°C) storage 36 months from the date of manufacture
Packaging unit: 1 vial/box (100units/vial)

Is a Clostridium Botulinum Toxin Type A, which temporarily improves glabella wrinkles.BIENOX is a product developed,produced and distributed by Korean biotechnology company 

Botulinum toxin type A, which temporarily reduces or disappears moderate to severe wrinkles in adult patients.

It gives the face a more relaxed and smooth appearance.

Presentation: 100 IU


  • Temporary improvement of moderate to severe glabellar lines due to ripple and / or lower abdominal activity in adults 19 to 65 years of age.

  • Temporary reduction of muscle activity for medical and aesthetic purposes.

  • A toxin applied to a specific muscle blocks the release of acetylcholine, causing the muscles to relax and reduce wrinkles.



  • Store unopened products in a refrigerator (2 ~ 8 ° C)

  • The dissolved products can be stored in the refrigerator (2 ~ 8 ° C) for 24 hours.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women

  • People with bleeding disorders

  • People with neuromuscular diseases

  • People with an infection or inflammation at the application site


  • Do not lie down for the first 4 hours after the procedure.

  • Avoid massaging or heating the treated areas.

  • Do not engage in activities that cause redness, such as drinking alcohol or taking a hot bath.

  • When applying makeup, be careful not to press against or rub the area injected.

  • Avoid vigorous exercise for the first 2 hours.


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whatsapp: +82 10 5157 6010


Our mailing address: 265 Sangdo-ro 93 Dongjak-gu, Seoul City S. Korea.

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